Do marketing agencies try to complicate things for you to sell you a service? Do you feel overwhelmed when it comes to your e-commerce platform? Do not know what to do to grow your business?
According to a lot of studies, online shopping will become more frequent post-COVID-19, and is particularly prominent among millennials and GenZ, according to Global Web Index.
So, if you want to grow your business and ride this new wave efficiently, you have to develop your e-commerce marketing effectively, which requires you to rethink your marketing strategies.
How do you that? As a Marketer or business owner, you need to go back to basics by shifting your mindset and strategies to create shoppable and e-commerce formats products and services. To do so start by looking into the below points
- RULE OF 4 – your 4Ps for marketing mix for success
- Product
- Place
- Price
- Promotion
- PACKAGING – Delivery is a new ‘moment of truth’ in the marketing funnel for an online path to purchase, with the packaging being a crucial touchpoint. Unboxing is an essential brand opportunity to stand out.
- CUSTOMER LOYALTY – Now that e-commerce businesses have a direct to consumer golden opportunity with significant first-party data, brands are rethinking their marketing and sales approach to driving repeat purchases. For these brands, the concept of customer loyalty will become more critical.
In summary, think of offering bigger packs and everyday deals, at different price points depending on the marketplace you are available on (part of what we shared in an earlier post your sales strategies), as your main goal should be to boost profitability out of online retail.
Stay tuned as we share more information and quick tips to support you grow your business. Do not forget to subscribe to our blog where more marketing information and data is shared continuously
To get first-party data with a direct to consumer strategy, the chance to drive repeat purchase, and boost profitability out of online retail by delivering a new “moment of truth” contact us today