get out advertising and more into experiential - MEC workshop

get out advertising and more into experiential

MARKETING RESILIENCE get out of advertising and more into experiential

Ask any creative director about anything related to any commercial he will answer you directly. Ask that same person anything about finance he will not have an answer.

On the other hand, marketers tend to constantly do the same mistake focus on the competition what they are doing and not doing, stay tuned to their industry, and forget that the best ideas are not there. Look beyond real estate beyond soft drinks to craft the best experience for your customer.

Diversity is key and only knowledge can give you that consequently, being knowledgeable beyond your profession is what will set you different from others.

Get out of advertising, videos and static ads and more into experiential marketing. Today more than ever, customers are looking for that experience from your brand. Use virtual activation, virtual events, open two-way communication to bring your brand to life and interact directly with your target audience. Whatever your budget tailor-make an experience that will ensure you more brand viability and acquire more leads.
