Grow your network - MEC workshop

Grow your network

MARKETING RESILIENCE grow your network

We all know one of the key steps to advancing in ur career is to leverage ur network same for ur brand.

It’s often tough to build a #network, or to grow ur network Edmond Chikhani taught me “your network is your net worth” and that mantra has come to embody just how vital connections are to my career trajectories & growing the brands I lead on.

In our current era COVID-19 connectivity & 24/7 social media updates, can feel like u’re networking all of the time, not really. When it comes to ur brand, growing ur network means more than increasing ur number of followers. Maintaining a network is key, but it’s even more important to build ur network in a way that’s authentic to you and ur brand. How do you do that?

  1. Pay it forward- I am a strong believer what you put out you get back. Share other’s success stories, build partnerships, cross promotions
  2. Network online- create webinars, zoom conferences, zoom workshops, live feeds. Make ur presence noticeable but in a smart way.
  3. Use Social media in a smart way- LinkedIn, Instagram Facebook, TikTok are indispensable tools for keeping up to speed with trends & forging connections. What’s important is to be mindful all the time on how you present ur brand.