monitor market trends - MEC workshop

monitor market trends

MARKETING RESILIENCE monitor market trends

Now, more than ever, marketers have to navigate unfamiliar, challenging times, to match a fast pace of change and a rising tide of rapidly- evolving conditions. This new and different environment (VUCA) is challenging marketers to find new ways to lead their organizations and achieve sustainable success.

  1. Keep monitoring evolution and global new norms and look beyond your industry, innovate through inspiration to grow your brand and understand your customer new behaviors better.

  2. Don’t get dragged into a fire fighting mode of brand survival and forget that to survive you need to innovate, keep up with the new trends.

There is no right and wrong, the person who tells you otherwise is someone that knows nothing about marketing or leadership. We all know the stories behind all the successful leaders, their failures and their brands so remember when it can’t be done. DO IT. If you don’t do it, it doesn’t exist or someone else will have the guts to do it instead of you.
