marketing resilience Archives - MEC workshop
MARKETING RESILIENCE rework your omnichannel

rework your omnichannel

You can have amazing mobile marketing, engaging social media campaigns, & a well-designed website. But if they don’t work together, it’s not an OC (omnicahnnel). Do not confuse the multi-channel experience such as having a website, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram… which you use to engage & connect with your customers with an OC experience. In most cases in these volatile circumstances,…

MARKETING RESILIENCE look for the opportunity

Look for the opportunity

Now, more than ever, leaders have to navigate unfamiliar, challenging times, to match a fast pace of change and a rising tide of rapidly- evolving conditions. This new and different environment (COVID19) is challenging leaders to find new ways to lead their organizations and achieve sustainable success. As a subsequent of these circumstances, there is a whirlwind environment oppressed with…

MARKETING RESILIENCE you are as good as your team

Are you as good as your team?

Let’s take Lionel Messi, the best football player of all time, if we take him & let him play along with the most mediocre football team they will out win him why? bcoz 1 player can’t do it all he needs his fellow team members to win. As much as you think of yourself to be the best you will…
